

作者:梁爽(高考志愿填报专家)     发布:2024-10-21 20:09:08     浏览:4782

写英语作文,开头要抢眼! 同学们,你们知道吗?英语作文的开头,就像是我们见面时的第一印象,得给人留下深刻的记忆。那么,怎样才能写出让人眼前一亮的开头呢?别急,我这就给你们支支招!


引用观点,对立中见深度 一个简单又有效的方法,就是先引用一个普遍观点,然后提出自己的疑问或不同看法。比如:“Nowadays,it is generally believed that technology makes life easier, but I wonder if we are becoming too dependent on it.” 这样的开头,既能展示你对问题的深入思考,又能引发读者的兴趣。 硬币两面看,辩证分析 想要展示你的辩证思维能力?试试从两个方面分析问题。比如:“Like a coin has two sides, urbanization brings both opportunities and challenges.” 这样的开头简洁明了,又富有哲理。 聚焦热点,吸引眼球 如果你正在写一篇关于社会热点问题的文章,不妨直接在开头点明主题。比如:“Currently, the issue of climate change has been brought to the forefront of global discussion.” 这样能迅速抓住读者的注意力。 增长趋势,引出重要性 描述一个事物的快速增长,并强调其重要性,也是一个不错的开头方式。比如:“With the rapid growth of social media, its impact on our daily lives has become increasingly significant.” 健康话题,人人关心 涉及到健康的话题总是能引起广泛关注。你可以这样开头:“Air and noise pollution caused by automobiles is posing a serious threat to our health.” 还有更多精彩的开头方式等你去探索。记住,无论选择哪种方式,都要确保开头简洁明了,能迅速引入主题。好了,同学们,现在就去试试吧!我相信你们一定能写出令人赞叹的英语作文开头! 表格整理:英语作文开头句式参考
1“Nowadays, it is generally believed that..., but I wonder...”引用普遍观点并提出疑问
2“Like a coin has two sides, there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to...”辩证分析问题
3“Currently, the issue of... has been brought to public attention”聚焦热点问题
4“With the rapid growth of..., ...has become increasingly important in our daily lives”描述增长趋势并强调重要性
5“Air pollution and noise pollution caused by... do harm to our health”引入健康话题


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