

作者:贾晨(高考志愿填报专家)     发布:2024-08-16 14:09:31     浏览:95



在高三的英语复习中,通知类作文是一个需要重点关注的题型。为了在考场上轻松应对各类作文预测,同学们需要充分准备,尤其是通知类作文的写作技巧和范文示例。下面,我将为大家提供两个高考英语通知类作文的预测及范文,帮助大家更好地备考。 范文示例一:体检通知 假设你们将于5月10日去体检,请根据以下提示写一篇通知:
要点 详细内容
体检地点 人民医院,步行约15分钟
体检日期和时间 5月10日,星期六,上午8点
集合时间和地点 7:45在医院门口集合
前往方式 骑车或步行
注意事项 1. 体检前空腹2. 在医院保持安静3. 听从医生和护士的安排
范文 Notice: Attention, please. Our class will proceed to the People's Hospital for a physical examination on Saturday, May 10th. The hospital is located within a 15-minute walking distance from our school. We will gather at the hospital entrance at 7:45 AM. You may choose to walk or cycle to the destination. Please note that eating or drinking is not allowed before the examination. Maintain silence at the hospital and follow the instructions of the doctors and nurses. You may return home after the examination is complete. 范文示例二:英语晚会通知 10班计划本周五晚上举行英语晚会,请根据以下提示写一份通知:
要点 详细内容
活动名称 英语晚会
日期和时间 本周五,晚饭后6:30开始集合,7:00正式开始
地点 教室
参与人员 10班全体同学及老师
活动内容 每个同学表演一个节目(内容不限)
范文 NOTICE: An English evening party will take place this Friday. All students of Class 10 are required to gather in the classroom at 6:30 PM after dinner. The party will commence at 7:00 PM. Each student is expected to perform a program of their choice, which could include storytelling, singing, speech delivery, poem recitation, or any other creative performance. We warmly invite all teachers and classmates to join us for this enjoyable evening. Kindly ensure timely attendance. 备考建议 在备考通知类作文时,同学们应注意格式规范、语言简洁明了,并确保信息准确无误。通过熟悉不同题材的通知写作,大家可以在考场上更加自信地应对各类作文预测,展现出自己的英语水平和写作能力。





