

作者:莫小晴(高考志愿填报专家)     发布:2024-09-04 15:37:14     浏览:107



经典开头句型 引入不同观点 - There are different opinions among people as to ____. Some people suggest that ____. 引用俗语 - There is an old saying ____. It's the experience of our forefathers, and even today, it holds true in many situations. 描述现象与问题 - Nowadays, ____ is widespread, posing significant harms to our daily life. First, ____. Second, ____. What's worse, ____. 经典结尾句型 总结观点 - In conclusion, while there are pros and cons to ____, it is ultimately beneficial/detrimental because ____. 提出建议 - Hence, it is recommended that we should ____ in order to address the issues raised in this essay. 展望未来 - Looking ahead, it is hoped that ____ will continue to evolve positively, bringing more benefits to society. 此外,还有一些通用的句型可以灵活应用在开头或结尾: - 强调重要性:It cannot be denied that ____ plays a crucial role in our lives. - 提出疑问:Have you ever wondered why ____? Let's explore the reasons behind this phenomenon. - 表达期望:It is my sincere hope that we can all work towards a future where ____. 同学们,掌握了这些经典句型,你的英语作文定能更加出彩。但记住,句型只是框架,真正的内容还需你们用心去填充。加油! 表格示例
类别 句型示例 使用场景
引入观点 There are different opinions... 在阐述多方观点时使用
引用俗语 There is an old saying... 需要借助传统智慧支持论点时
描述现象 Nowadays, ____ is widespread... 介绍当前社会现象或问题时
总结观点 In conclusion, while there are... 文章结尾,总结全文观点
提出建议 Hence, it is recommended... 针对讨论的问题提出解决方案时





